But when I specify -quality 100 in ImageMagick the image sizes gain about 45 MB! Why? The images I converted using mogrify are slightly smaller (~ 1-2 MB) than those output by my colleague using picasa to convert NEF to JPG.Thanks in advance for any advice you have about how to do this. I've searched around quite a bit to try and find a solution to this and it seems like I may have to install ufraw, but if possible I'd like a solution that uses software I already have - ImageMagick and Exiftool. NEF files are successfully converted to JPGs, but all EXIF data are lost. I'm using the mogrify command because it handles batches nicely.Īll of my. I've just gotten started using ImageMagick from the command line.
I'd like the JPGs to be at the highest possible quality.I'd like to retain all EXIF data, most importantly Date and time created, Latidude and Longitude.